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My stand on the issues
Published on November 22, 2004 By Cappy1507 In Politics
After a long discussion with my Step father this weekend, I started to wonder where I stand politically. He was surprised to hear my stance on some of the issues. He had long colored me a bleeding heart liberal, and I tried to show him that he and I really aren't that far apart. He is very conservative. I think of my self as a Moderate. I'd like your opinion. I'm also welcome to some more input on issues but for now here is what I have:

I believe abortion is wrong. My wife and I had our first child out of wedlock. In fact we had just broken up and she had found an apartment when we found out we were pregnant. The only time abortion even came up was when we both said it was NOT an option. We are happily married now, and our daughter is a true blessing. I couldn't imagine my life with out her.

I don't think any one should have an abortion. I think doing so is a sin against humanity. I would council anyone thinking of having an abortion to reconsider. Despite my beliefs however, I couldn't imagine forcing someone to have a baby they did not want. I think their own beliefs are a god given right even if they don't agree with mine, and I cannot in good conscience take that away from them.

I believe taxes should be as low as possible, however they should never be so low as the government doesn't have the opportunity to maintain a balanced budget. I also think a portion of taxes should be used to pay down the deficit as quickly as possible. I have heard some economists say that a deficit is actually good; however being in debt is never that great of a situation. I think our taxes presently are too low. We are running both a deficit budget and carrying way too much debt.

Big government
Right now government is probably a bit too large. I think there are some redundant services. I believe the CIA, FBI and NSA should be converged into one Intelligence community. I think the IRS needs to be whipped into shape. I think the waste and excess of government needs to be addressed on every level.

Social Security
I think we owe it to the Silent Generation to maintain their benefits through their life time. I think we should do the same for the older Baby Boomers. However I think we should freeze benefits for anyone born between 1950 and 1960 at the rate adjusted for cost of living as of 2014. Anyone born after 1960 should get not be eligible for benefits. Everyone should continue paying for social security at a rate to be determined during a yearly review starting in 2014. As the fund winds down surpluses should be placed in a trust for enrollees placed in the system for reason of disabilities. Anyone would be eligible for Social Security based on disability needs.

I have reversed myself on my stance for outsourcing. After reviewing some economist’s reviews I think if the rate of outsourcing remains stable then there should be no action taken, outside of removing the tax loophole. In the future the levels of outsourcing should be carefully watched. Outsourcing has moved out of the realm of large corporations and smack dab in the middle of the small business explosion. If the trend continues, then some action must be taken to keep the American workforce viable. Since this is the sector we are told by those models that will absorb some of the casualties. However the outsourcing situation must be addressed with some form of adult education program.

This is probably my most liberal area. I think the US government should create a federally run education system that complements the current public and private systems. We should create an online schooling system where everyone from elementary to adult education students can receive additional courses or full degree programs. I'm not talking about a education that competes with Princeton and Harvard perhaps something between community college and the state education system. It would help fill in some voids in our current system, such as offering Chinese and Arabic language courses for high school students, Music classes for students at schools where those classes have been dropped. It would also help adults transition to new positions when they loose their jobs, or if they want to switch fields. It would be free to everyone, and largely supported by corporations, and staffed by professors that receive grants. If you apply for a federal grant, you should have to teach a course on the online school; since the courses could be reused the catalog of courses offered would grow continually.

Gay Marriage
I think it is very dangerous to consider constitutional amendments to eliminate gay marriages. Imagine if you will if a church decided to allow gay marriages in their congregation. But those marriages have been disallowed by the government. This would be a form of religious persecution. One of the shining stars of the American system is the separation of Church and State. This flies in the face of that wisdom. So I am against the ban on gay marriages. I think the law should be ambiguous, and the federal government should stay out of it.

State Rights
I do not think the states rights should be superseded by federal law. Federal laws should protect the people only when the crimes committed involve multiple states or are crimes against the nation. Probably over simplified I agree, but I think it should be state laws first and then federal laws. I think any stat should be able to enact a law contrary to that of the union.

I think drug addiction is a sickness and not a crime. I think non violent crimes of addiction, such as possession and growing or making enough for personal consumption should be completely eliminated from the books. Basically I believe in the decriminalization of possession. I read that 53% of all federal inmates are serving time for drug crimes and more than half of those are short term nonviolent possession crimes, although I cannot attest to the accuracy of this despite it coming from a government site. If we eliminated even half of those as nonviolent crimes as those statistics suggested, then we could reduce the over crowding and lengthen violent offenders terms.

Gun Control
I think the second amendment should be protected. But I think there should be severe punishment for abusing that right. Any crime committed with a gun should receive a mandatory sentence of 30 years. No kidding. If you think that your right to bear arms is in danger then you should punish the people severely who have tarnished the image of lawful gun owners. I have nothing against you going out this weekend and killing bambi. I don't care if you do it with a bow, a pistol or an AK47. Have fun, try not to hurt anyone and lay off the booze until you’re done. I'm not afraid of you. I'm afraid of the guy with the gun holding up a liquor store. When you catch him lock him away. Every time you do it the streets get safer.

Capital Punishment
Nope. Sorry I'm against it. Not because the person doesn't deserve to die, but because there is a chance that we are wrong, and that person deserves the chance to prove it, today, tomorrow, and 30 years from now when some new technology comes out the way DNA testing did in the last 10 years. I also read somewhere about 5 years ago that something like 50 executed prisoners were proven innocent post execution when DNA evidence became effective. That’s 50 too many, and proves to me that it's not wise to do something that final no matter how right we think we are. If you think that stuff doesn't happen, then think back to the OJ case. If he was guilty and got off then there has to be cases where innocent people are convicted. Not only that, but all criminals are tried by humans, Lawyers, judges, and juries and all are capable of error.

Okay well that's the major issues as far as I can think of right now. I'll update this if anyone brings up some other issues. I think I have some conservative and some liberal points of view, and that's why I think I'm a moderate. My step father considers me much more conservative after our discussion this weekend. So where do you think I fall. On a scale from 1 to 10 - 1 being a neo con, and 5 being a moderate, and 10 being Ultra Liberal - where would you place me?

on Nov 22, 2004
I dub thee Cappy.

- Grim
on Nov 22, 2004
Cappy it used to be that every time I'd read one of your posts, I would say to myself that this fool knows absolutely nothing. But after reading the above post I took everything I once thought about you and tossed it in the garbage. The only place we differ on is capital punishment. But I agree with EVERYTHING else that you said. You get an insightful from me.
on Nov 22, 2004
Social Security
I think we owe it to the Silent Generation to maintain their benefits through their life time. I think we should do the same for the older Baby Boomers. However I think we should freeze benefits for anyone born between 1950 and 1960 at the rate adjusted for cost of living as of 2014. Anyone born after 1960 should get not be eligible for benefits. Everyone should continue paying for social security at a rate to be determined during a yearly review starting in 2014. As the fund winds down surpluses should be placed in a trust for enrollees placed in the system for reason of disabilities. Anyone would be eligible for Social Security based on disability needs.

This is the area where I cannot agree at all with you. I was born in 1963 and have been paying into a system for 17 years that you say I should not get a penny out of. The biggest problem with Social Security is that its now passe. In the 30s when it was implemented there was no way for the average person to invest in their retirement. They either had to put a little into saving each month, essentially hoping that inflation would be zero or depend on a pension that was liable to be pulled by the company before it could be collected. Another criminal problem with SS is Congress stealing from the system. If they hadn't been doing that for year, I would be paying for my own benefits instead of the people already retired. That same Congress of theives needs to make up for their actions and guarenetee that the money that is put into the system makes it to those who paid for it. That said, there needs to be an exit strategy to allow people to use that money they are putting now into social security to go for a retirement fund that actually has a decent return, instead of dollar for dollar like social security, or as they are thinking now a return of pennies on the dollar.
on Nov 22, 2004
Imagine if you will if a church decided to allow gay marriages in their congregation. But those marriages have been disallowed by the government. This would be a form of religious persecution

I have to take issue with this specifically. Substitute anything you like for gay marriage and the argument doesn't really change. Petty theft? Arson? Bigamy? All "religious persecution".

I do happen to agree that gay marriage should not be a constitutional or a federal issue, I just think that this is a very poor argument for it.

On Social Security, I believe that everyone who has paid into it should get something out, but nobody new should be required to pay into it. If you've never worked a job that has had SS withheld, then you don't need to get any SS benefits. There are plenty of other, better ways to fund your retirement.

(Taxes) should never be so low as the government doesn't have the opportunity to maintain a balanced budget.

The government ALWAYS has the opportunity to maintain a balanced budget, regardless of the amount of taxes being paid. What I would prefer to see is a REQUIREMENT that the government maintain a balanced-or-better budget until the national debt is reduced to a reasonable level. The national debt should not be an ever-expanding line of credit that nobody ever has to make principal payments on. We have laws about this for credit-card bills, why not for government-card bills?
on Nov 23, 2004
Cappy -

Welcome to ther world of the Moderate Republican. Props to you.

You almost blew it, though... born in '49. That was close.

on Nov 23, 2004
Nice post cappy. Very well thought out and reasoned. I do not agree with every stance you take, but I agree with most of them. Just as I do not agree with everything about my party "label," but I agree with most of it.

I am a Republican. I think you are as well.
on Nov 23, 2004
This is the area where I cannot agree at all with you. I was born in 1963 and have been paying into a system for 17 years that you say I should not get a penny out of.

I understand and it's tough to draw a line. I drew the line where I did, because it gives everyone a good 20 years, 24 in your case to prepare. It's sad I know, but in 20 years you should be able to sock away enough to get by. I wish I had a better strategy. But hey it's not like I'll get elected in 2008, so I think your safe from my plan.

Cappy it used to be that every time I'd read one of your posts, I would say to myself that this fool knows absolutely nothing. But after reading the above post I took everything I once thought about you and tossed it in the garbage.

Um thanks - I think. Lol.

My first presidental vote was cast for Bush Senior, however I didn't like the fact that he was once the Director of the CIA so I became a Patriot. I won't ever vote for a Bush. They are very dirty. I almost did this time because well Kerry is... Kerry.